Ear Infections

Ear infections happen when a cold, flu, infection, or allergy attack leads to fluid becoming trapped in the middle ear. They are more common in children than adults.

Doctor Examining Ear of Female Patient due to ear infecton

Signs of ear infections

The middle ear is the small space behind the eardrum, with infections of this region referred to as ‘otitis media’ or ‘swimmer’s ear’. If the infection goes deeper into the ear canal, this is an inner ear infection, or ‘labyrinthitis’.

Typical symptoms of an ear infection in adults are:

  • Pain in the ears (sharp and sudden, or dull and continuous)
  • Drainage or fluid leakage, accompanied by pain
  • Clogged feeling, or feeling of fullness in the ear
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Nausea

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of all children will have at least 1 ear infection
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times on average, a person sees a GP a year

Causes of ear infection

In the middle ear, the space behind the eardrum is usually filled with air, and contains three tiny bones which carry sound from the eardrum into the inner ear. This space connects to the throat via the Eustachian tubes.

If this space becomes inflamed or filled with fluid (such as pus) generated by the immune system during a common infection like a cold, bacteria or viruses, it becomes swollen and difficult to drain. This can lead to a proliferation of germs, leading to an ear infection.

What to do next

We have an excellent team of specialists who can help you diagnose and treat your symptoms and advise on the best possible methods of care. Give us a call to make your appointment today, or use our online booking system.


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Are ear infections especially common in children?
Yes. It is thought that 60-80% of infants under 1 year of age will have at least one ear infection. 80-90% of infants will have had one by age 3.
Untreated ear infections can lead to complications like:
  • Spread of Infection: May extend to nearby tissues
  • Hearing Loss: Prolonged infections may impair hearing
  • Tympanic Membrane Perforation: Ear drum damage, leading to pain and discharge
  • Chronic Infections: Recurring discomfort and potential hearing problems
  • Rare Complications: Such as mastoiditis or severe conditions
Timely medical attention prevents these issues. Always seek a doctor’s advice for proper diagnosis and treatment of ear infections.
The duration of an ear infection can vary:
  • Acute Ear Infections: Typically last for a few days to a week or two. Symptoms might improve within 48 to 72 hours after starting treatment
  • Chronic or Recurrent Infections: May persist for weeks or months, with intermittent or ongoing symptoms

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