🩺 Affordable Private Healthcare

Scans & Imaging

From £465


24 hours


30 minutes

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: From £465

Turnaround: 24 hours

Appointment: 30 minutes

Advantages Of Imaging Technology

Medical scans in general use magnetic fields, radio waves, or X-Rays to produce detailed pictures of the inside of the body. For example, CT scans use X-Rays to create images of specific areas within the body, while MRIs use magnetic fields and radio waves.

However, both of these imaging tests are typically painless and non-invasive. In some cases, you may receive an injection of contrast material before the procedure to enhance the clarity of the scan results. This helps your doctor to achieve the most accurate diagnosis for your condition and formulate the most effective treatment plan.

When Are Scans Used

Scans are typically used when the doctor wants to examine the brain and spinal cord, bones or joints, internal organs, or the circulatory system. They can also provide more detailed information about the size and precise location of unusual growths or tumours.

The results can help with an initial diagnosis or provide information on how effective past treatments have been. If the scanning procedure causes anxiety or feelings of claustrophobia, your doctor can provide you with some sedation.


X-rays took place last year in UK
0 million
ultrasounds take place each year in UK
0 million
CT scans take place annually in the UK
0 million
diagnostic medical examinations, such as X-rays, are performed every year
0 billion

Benefits Of Scans And Imaging

Medical scans or imaging offer several benefits, including:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: They provide detailed images that help healthcare professionals accurately diagnose various medical conditions.
  • Early Detection: Scans can detect abnormalities at early stages, which can lead to early treatment and better outcomes.
  • Monitoring Progress: They allow doctors to monitor the progression of a disease or the effectiveness of treatment over time.
  • Guidance For Treatment: Imaging helps in planning and guiding surgical procedures and treatments, ensuring precision and safety.
  • Non-Invasive: Many imaging techniques are non-invasive or minimally invasive, reducing the risk of complications compared to exploratory surgery.
  • Painless Procedure: Most imaging procedures are painless and generally well-tolerated by patients.
  • Understanding Anatomy: They provide detailed views of internal organs and structures, aiding in understanding their anatomy and function.
  • Research And Education: Imaging plays a crucial role in medical research, education, and training of healthcare professionals.
  • Personalised Medicine: By providing detailed information about an individual’s condition, imaging contributes to personalised treatment plans.
  • Peace Of Mind: For patients, having a clear picture of their health status can provide reassurance and help alleviate anxiety.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

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Scans & Imaging

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What is the difference between a CT scan and an MRI?
A CT scan uses x-rays, whereas an MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves.
Why does the doctor want me to have a scan?
Imaging technology shows the doctor the inside of your body, which can show how internal organs are being affected, find the size and location of an unusual growth, and help provide you with a clearer diagnosis.
My doctor wants me to have an MRI, but I get claustrophobic. Is there another option?
We are partnered with an imaging service that uses open MRI technology, which performs the scan is a much less confined space, which can decrease anxiety and claustrophobia. If you are concerned, speak to your doctor, who can talk over with you some options for sedation during the process.

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