🩺 Affordable Private Healthcare

Philippines Visa Medical


2 - 3 days


60 minutes

Philippines Flag

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £535

Turnaround: 2 – 3 days

Appointment: 60 minutes

Visa medical for Philippines at our London clinic

The Philippines requires a visa medical for certain visa types. Our clinic is equipped to handle all your visa medical requirements for the Philippines, ensuring comprehensive medical testing and the final endorsement by an FCO-recognised doctor.

We strive to provide thorough and efficient service to facilitate your visa application process seamlessly, before you head to the Embassy of the Philippines (6-11 Suffolk St, London SW1Y 4HG).


Visa Medical For The Philippines

The current medical requirements for the Philippines encompass a comprehensive set of tests.

These include a thorough medical examination, a blood test specifically for syphilis screening, a detailed stool analysis to detect ova, cysts, and parasites, a malarial smear test, a urinalysis, and a chest X-Ray aimed at identifying tuberculosis (TB) if present.

It is essential to ensure compliance with these specific requirements as part of your visa application process.

Benefits Of Choosing Us

Choosing to do your visa medical with us offers several distinct advantages. We prioritise convenience with appointment availability typically within 48 hours, ensuring minimal wait times.

Our streamlined process guarantees a fast turnaround for results and certification, facilitated by an efficient and experienced team. With thousands of visa medicals successfully processed, you can trust our expertise.

Book your appointment online or contact us today to begin your visa medical process promptly.

Woman doctor smiling


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Vaccinations Worth Considering

When travelling to the Philippines, it is generally recommended that UK citizens ensure their routine vaccinations are up to date. In addition, the following vaccinations are often advised:

  • Hepatitis A And B: Recommended due to potential exposure through contaminated food or water.
  • Typhoid: Recommended, especially if you are staying with friends or relatives, visiting rural areas, or eating and drinking in places with poor sanitation.
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, And Polio: Ensure boosters are up to date.
  • Rabies: Recommended for travellers who may come into contact with animals, especially in rural areas.
  • Measles, Mumps, And Rubella (MMR): Ensure you have had two doses of MMR vaccine if not already immune.
  • Influenza: Consider getting the flu vaccine before travel, especially during the flu season.
  • Japanese Encephalitis: This may be recommended depending on your travel plans, such as if you will be staying for an extended period in rural areas or participating in outdoor activities.

How To Book A Visa Medical Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.

The Procedure

preparing for appointment


For the medical examination, there is no requirement for fasting beforehand, which means you can eat as normal before your appointment. It is beneficial to arrive well-hydrated, so be sure to drink plenty of water before coming in. This ensures that any necessary tests, such as blood tests or urine analysis, can be conducted smoothly and accurately. Staying hydrated also helps maintain your comfort during the examination process.

during the appointment


During your medical examination, you will undergo blood, urine, and stool tests, as well as a chest x-ray. These tests are essential for assessing your overall health and ensuring you meet the necessary medical requirements for your visa application or travel.

post appointment


The results of your medical examination will typically be available within 2 to 3 days. During this time, our medical team will carefully analyse all tests and diagnostic findings to provide you with accurate results and ensure you receive reliable information promptly.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic ?

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Experienced doctors & a professional team

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Up-to-date with the latest treatments & testing


Experienced doctors & a professional team

Affordable private
health care

Transparent fee structure with no hidden charges



No hidden charges, phlebotomy fees or prescription charges.
Test prices do not include a consultation.

Philippines Visa Medical

see other visa medicals

Book Your Visa Medical Today

With over 15 years experience in providing visa medicals, we offer a fast, knowledgeable and efficient service.

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We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


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