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Hepatitis C Test



4 -12 hours



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Turnaround: 4 -12 hours

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Blood test for the Hepatitis C virus

A Hepatitis C test screens for the presence of antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in your blood.

When someone is infected with Hepatitis C, their immune system produces antibodies to fight the virus. Therefore, the presence of these antibodies in the blood indicates exposure to the virus at some point.

An Overview Of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). It primarily affects the liver, leading to inflammation (Hepatitis) that can range from mild to severe.

Hepatitis C is considered a serious public health concern globally due to its ability to cause chronic infection, which can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma (a type of liver cancer) if left untreated.

The Importance Of Hepatitis C Testing

It is crucial to get tested even if there is only a slight chance you may have Hepatitis C, as around half of the current cases in the UK are thought to be undiagnosed.

Even without symptoms, the disease can seriously damage the liver and lead to scarring (cirrhosis). Effective treatment, however, can clear the virus in the majority of cases.

The Hepatitis C antibody test is used to screen for infection with the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The presence of HCV antibodies in the blood indicates exposure to HCV.The test can give a positive result for both active and previous infections.

It is important to note that not everyone who tests positive for Hepatitis C antibodies will have chronic infection; some people clear the virus naturally without treatment.

Woman doctor taking notes

Hepatitis C Symptoms

Many people with Hepatitis C do not experience symptoms initially, especially during the early stages of infection. When symptoms do occur, they can vary widely and may include fatigue, which can be debilitating and affect daily activities. Jaundice, characterised by yellowing of the skin and eyes, is another common symptom caused by liver dysfunction due to Hepatitis C.

Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and nausea with vomiting can also accompany the infection, impacting nutritional intake and overall well-being. Dark urine, a result of increased bilirubin levels in the bloodstream, and joint pain may also manifest as the virus continues to affect the body.

How Hepatitis C Is Transmitted

The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is responsible for causing Hepatitis C, a viral infection primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood. Common modes of transmission include sharing needles or equipment used for injecting drugs, needlestick injuries in healthcare settings, and in rarer cases, transmission from mother to baby during childbirth.

Additionally, although less common, Hepatitis C can potentially be transmitted through sexual contact or sharing personal items contaminated with blood.

Woman doctor pointing
Serious doctor with arms crossed

What To Expect From The Treatment

Treatment for Hepatitis C has advanced significantly in recent years and is now highly effective and well-tolerated, often curing the infection within weeks to months, depending on the virus genotype.

However, some side effects can occur, including fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, can also happen. Additionally, Hepatitis C medications may affect blood cell counts, leading to anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia.


Prevention Of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C prevention involves reducing exposure to the virus through several key measures. Avoid sharing needles, and healthcare workers should follow strict infection control procedures, including proper handling and disposal of needles, to prevent needlestick injuries and blood exposure.

Ensure tattoo and piercing equipment is sterile and use disposable needles and ink to prevent transmission. While sexual transmission risk is lower than HIV, using condoms, especially with multiple partners or those with STIs, reduces the risk. Additionally, avoid sharing personal items like razors, toothbrushes, or other items that may come into contact with blood.

Doctor with stethoscope


rise in STI cases among 15-24-year-olds since 2021
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increase in gonorrhoea since 2021
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increase in chlamydia since 2021
increase in syphilis since 2021
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Facts About Hepatitis C

These facts highlight the importance of awareness, testing, and access to treatment in managing Hepatitis C and preventing its spread.

  • Viral Infection: Hepatitis C is caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV).
  • Transmission: It is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood, such as sharing needles.
  • Global Impact: Globally, an estimated 71 million people are living with chronic Hepatitis C infection.
  • Chronic Infection: Approximately 75 – 85% of people infected with Hepatitis C develop chronic infection, which can lead to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer over time if untreated.
  • Often Silent: Many people with Hepatitis C do not experience symptoms initially.
  • Effective Treatment: Direct-acting antiviral medications (DAAs) have revolutionised treatment, with cure rates exceeding 95% in most cases.
  • No Vaccine: There is currently no vaccine available for Hepatitis C, making prevention and treatment crucial.
  • Risk Factors: High-risk groups include people who inject drugs, and healthcare workers exposed to blood.

How To Book A Sexual Health Screen Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.

The Procedure

preparing for appointment


Please ensure you drink enough fluid before your appointment, as it can help ensure an easier and more successful blood draw. Being well-hydrated not only makes it easier for the healthcare provider to locate a vein but also helps prevent fainting or dizziness during or after the procedure.

during the appointment


During this test, a healthcare professional will perform a simple blood draw. They will insert a needle into a vein, typically located on the inner arm near the elbow, to collect a small sample of blood. This procedure is routine and is conducted quickly and efficiently to obtain the necessary blood sample for testing purposes.

post appointment


You have the flexibility to choose how you would prefer to receive your results. Options include having the doctor call you to discuss them, receiving them via email, or calling us at your convenience.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic For
Sexual Health Screening?

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Test prices do not include a consultation.

Hepatitis C Antibodies

  • 4-12 hours turnover time

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How do I know which test to have?
All of our test packages come with a consultation included in the price, so the doctor can advise you about which tests are suitable for you, as well as discuss your results and any other concerns.
Who should be tested for Hepatitis C?
People born between 1945 and 1965 are considered to be at higher risk. Other high risk groups include those who have injected illegal drugs, organ transplant recipients pre-1992, those who have received long-term hemodialysis treatment, or those who have had known exposure to the virus.
How do I know if I have Hepatitis C?
The only way to know for sure is to get tested. Once you contract it, the Hepatitis C virus can cause damage to your liver without you experiencing any symptoms, so if you are unsure, it is important that you come in for a test.

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