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Thyroid Function Test



4 - 12 hours


15 minutes

lady checking thyroids

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: ÂŁ95

Turnaround: 4 – 12 hours

Appointment: 15 minutes

Thyroid Hormone Level Screening

A thyroid hormone level screening is a blood test that measures the levels of various hormones produced by your thyroid gland. These hormones include: Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3), and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

An imbalance of any of these hormones can wreak havoc with your wellbeing. Did you know thyroid disorders are 15 times more common in women than in men? If you are considering getting a thyroid hormone level screening, you are in great hands, as our caring team is on standby to help get your thyroid health back on track.



What Is The Thyroid Gland?

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck and it forms part of an intricate network of glands called the endocrine system (a system responsible for coordinating multiple bodily activities). Your thyroid gland is specifically tasked with regulating various metabolic processes throughout your body by producing hormones that influence your metabolism, growth, and development.

These hormones include T3, T4 and TSH (a hormone responsible for regulating the production of T4 and T3). When your thyroid gland produces too little or too much hormones, it can lead to troublesome symptoms like irritability, fatigue, weight loss, and weight gain. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your thyroid hormone levels are balanced.

Why Should You Consider A Thyroid Function Test?

A thyroid function test checks the levels of thyroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood to indicate whether your thyroid is functioning properly.

This test is incredibly important because an imbalance in thyroid hormones can lead to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, affect fetal development, and detect thyroid diseases such as thyroid cancer, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or Graves’ disease.

Woman doctor smiling
Woman doctor taking notes

Who Should Consider A Thyroid Function Test?

You should consider getting a thyroid hormone level screening if you have a family history of thyroid disorders (such as thyroid cancer, autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves’ disease), have a goiter, are pregnant, are on certain medications (like amiodarone or lithium), have undergone radiation therapy to your head, neck, or chest , or if you are over the age of 60.

Signs Of An Over- And Underactive Thyroid

Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) occur when your thyroid gland produces too little or too much thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

You may have hyperthyroidism if you are experiencing:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Sensitivity to heat
  • Changes in menstruation and fertility
  • A swollen neck (caused by an enlarged thyroid)

You may have hypothyroidism if you are experiencing:

  • Low energy
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Feeling depressed
  • Dry and scaly skin
  • Sensitivity to the cold
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • The development of a puffy face or hoarse voice


Thyroid cancer cases are preventable in the UK
0 %
New cases of thyroid cancer in the UK (2018)
0 Mill
Thyroid cancer cases are caused by obesity
0 %
Completed Blood Test This Year

How To Book A Blood Test

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly phlebotomists or trained clinicians.


Type of sample taken: Blood
preparing for appointment

Preparing for test

Your Walk-In Clinic GP will give you all the instructions you need on how to prepare for your thyroid blood test, however, typically the only preparation required is that you ensure you are well-hydrated before you come in to the clinic for your test.

during the appointment

During the test

The thyroid test is a simple blood test. A needle is inserted into a vein, usually on the inner arm near the elbow, and a small amount of blood is drawn. You may feel a pricking or scratching sensation, and before you know, the procedure is over.

post appointment


Your results will be sent to you by email within 4 to 12 hours after your blood has reached our laboratory for testing. If you had a consultation with at Walk-In Clinic with one of our doctors, your Walk-In Clinic doctor will give you a call first to thoroughly discuss your results with you, and what to expect next.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic
for blood testing

Hidden Charges

Transparent fees. The price you see is the price you pay.

No GP consultation

No GP appointment requirement for blood tests

since 1998

Experienced doctors & a professional team.


Your medical records are kept private at all times.


Blood Test Biomarkers

Your thyroid test will analyse the levels of T3 (Triiodothyronine), T4 (Thyroxine), and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) in your blood to determine whether there is an abnormality or not.


Thyroid Function Test

We provide same-day booking options, extensive medical consultations, rapid test outcomes, and comprehensive post-care services at affordable rates.

see other blood tests

Book Your Blood Test Today

We offer a wide range of private blood tests in London. Same-day appointments are available 5 days a week.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


How many people in the UK suffer from thyroid problems?
In the UK, approximately 1 out of every 20 individuals experiences a thyroid issue, with women being 6 times more likely to suffer from the condition than men. Globally, about 200 million people suffer from a thyroid condition. In the US, it is estimated that 20 million people have a thyroid condition, with 1 out of 3 people having hyperthyroidism.
What are thyroid nodules?
Nodules, or small lumps, on the thyroid, or an enlargement of the gland, can be an indicator either of oestrogen dominance, when your natural hormone levels are out of balance, or of toxicity (either through diet, environmental factors, or chemicals in skincare products). If you have or think you have thyroid nodules, it is advised that you see a doctor to get checked out.
When should I get my thyroid checked?
If you are experiencing any symptoms or an enlargement of your thyroid, or if you have a family history of thyroid disorders, it is recommended you book an appointment to get your thyroid tested. In general, it is recommended you begin getting regular check-ups around age 30, and to definitely have your thyroid checked annually if you are over 60.
What is the most common thyroid disorder?
Some of the most common thyroid conditions include Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis), Graves’ disease (an autoimmune disorder when your immune system attacks your thyroid gland), the development of a goiter (an enlarged thyroid gland), thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer.

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