Eye Infections

Some of the viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi that cause infection inside the body can also develop in the eye, leading to an eye infection.

close up of an eye with doctor checking for eye infections

Common eye infection symptoms

Some common symptoms of the more widespread eye infections include:

  • Redness
  • Soreness
  • Itching
  • Discharge (watery or mucus-like with a viral infection, thick and white/yellow/green with a bacterial infection), which may cause the eyelid to crust over
  • A scratchy feeling on the cornea
  • A sensation of something being stuck in the eye
  • Photosensitivity (aversion to bright light)
  • Bloodshot eyes, where tiny blood vessels are visible
  • Eye-watering
  • Swollen eyelids


of all cases of acute conjunctivitis may be caused by viral infection
0 %
of cases of acute conjunctivitis are estimated to be caused by HSV
0 -4.8%
of all GP consultations in the UK are accounted to acute infective conjunctivitis
0 %
of conjunctivitis in children are thought to be due to bacterial infection
0 -75%

Types Of Eye Infections

Some possible eye infections include:

  • conjunctivitis (where the conjunctiva becomes inflamed)
  • blepharitis (affecting the eyelid)
  • keratitis (the cornea)
  • vitritis (the liquid inside the eye)
  • chorioretinitis (the retina and related blood vessels)
  • or neuronitis (the optic nerve)

Causes of Eye Infections

Infectious conjunctivitis, which is usually caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, is the most common form of eye infection.

Other infections that can cause inflammation of different parts of the eye include:

  • STIs (such as syphilis and gonorrhoea)
  • tuberculosis
  • Lyme disease
  • certain parasites, or mycosis (a general term for a fungal infection)

What to do next

Even if your symptoms are mild, it is a good idea to get your eyes checked by a doctor to ensure that you are getting proper treatment.

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How can I avoid spreading an eye infection?
Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes. Regular washing of your hands is important to stop the infection from spreading. It is also a good idea to avoid sharing pillow cases, towels, and make-up.
Swimming pools usually contain chlorine, which kills the bacteria that cause infection. If you are swimming in a dirty or unchlorinated pool, you could be more at risk of developing an eye infection.
Eye infections are usually treated with prescription antibiotics, eye drops, ointments, or compresses, depending on the doctor’s evaluation of your case.

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