Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infection cover wide variety of infections caused by bacteria. Unlike viral infection, bacterial infection can be treated by antibiotics.

bacterial injections

Types of bacterial infection

Bacteria live everywhere, and our body is full of them, many beneficial for our health. Viruses can only survive in a living host. Regarding treatment, perhaps the most important distinction between the two is that ‘bad’ bacteria can usually be killed with antibiotic drugs, whereas antibiotics do not affect viruses.

There are several bacterial infections, and symptoms will vary depending on the bacteria causing the problem.

It is also important to remember that bacterial infections include things like colds and flu and that these will present with their own sets of symptoms.

If you have no symptoms and are testing for peace of mind, no consultation fee is payable. However, if you have any symptoms, please note that a consultation fee of £85 with a specialist nurse or £175 with a GP is payable.


of All Doctors in the UK are GPs
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GPs per 10000 people in the UK
times on average, a person sees a GP a year
years of additional training is required for GPs

Symptoms Of Bacterial Infections

  • Abnormal discharge from the vagina
  • Penile discharge
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Pain in urination (dysuria)
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Rash

Some bacterial infections, such as chlamydia and non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU), do not present with symptoms.

Some conditions have different symptom presentations for men and women. It is more common for NGU to go undetected in women, for example, because the symptoms tend to show up only in men (these include a painful or burning sensation when urinating, the tip of the penis feeling irritated and sore, and a cloudy or white penile discharge.

What to do next

Pinpointing the source of your bacterial infection-related discomfort is crucial for effective treatment and alleviation. Schedule an appointment with one of our doctors to determine the most suitable course of action.


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Dr Mohammad

Dr Mohammad Mohseyni

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What are the most common bacterial infections for men and women?
In terms of sexual health, bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common bacterial infection for women, and urethritis is the most common condition diagnosed in men, with 80,000 cases diagnosed every year (although urethritis is not always caused by bacteria).
Other types of bacterial infection include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which develops when a bacterial infection grows and spreads from the genital area up into the uterus or fallopian tubes.
It is always best to speak to a doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary, or even just if you are worried about a symptom you have noticed. This is especially important if your symptoms are causing physical or emotional distress. Infections of all kinds are extremely common. There is nothing to feel embarrassed about. It is much scarier not to know about a possible infection than it is to get an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment.

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