Cuts & Grazes Treatment


30 mins



Doctor Applying Elastic Bandage to a Patient's Knee

Minor Cut & Bruises Treatments in London

It is important to get proper care for cuts and grazes in order to avoid infection and help you heal as quickly as possible.


of All Doctors in the UK are GPs
0 %
GPs per 10000 people in the UK
times, on average, a person sees a GP a year
years of additional training is required for GPs

Cuts & Grazes Treatment

A doctor can help you ensure that your wound is properly cleaned, that the bleeding has stopped, and that it has a suitable and sterile dressing. Depending on the seriousness of the wound, you may need to get the dressing changed. You may also be advised to get a tetanus booster, depending on the cause of the wound.

How To Book A Private GP Appointment?

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How can I stop a wound from bleeding?
If a wound is bleeding copiously, the best thing to do is get professional medical attention as quickly as possible. In the interim, if possible, raise the wounded area above your heart-level. This will help reduce the flow of blood to the wound.
An infected wound can usually be treated successfully with a course of antibiotics. You may also be given a tetanus booster, and a special dressing that leaves the wound open whilst allowing it to heal. If you notice signs of infection, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Signs that you should seek emergency medical treatment include bleeding that will not stop, bright red and persistent bleeding that comes in spurts (an artery may be affected), severe, large, or deep wounds, or the presence of a foreign object in the wound.

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We will be closed on 6 May for the Early May Bank Holiday. We will re-open at 8 am on 7 May. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 999 or attend A&E.