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Fit to Fly Certificates

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Fit to Fly Travel Certificates

If you have booked a ticket or considered travelling in the last two months, you might have noticed that many destinations now require a fit to fly certificate. We hope this blog post helps you understand this new requirement and how to jump through all of the bureaucratic hoops to get to your destination.


What is a COVID fit to fly travel certificate?

A fit to fly certificate is a signed and stamped letter from an accredited clinic (with the Care Quality Commission), signed by a doctor registered with the General Medical Council that confirms that you do not have any symptoms of COVID-19, have had a negative PCR swab test and are fit to fly.

This certificate requires an RT PCR Swab Test for COVID. This test is a swab taken of your throat and nose at our clinic that is sent to our laboratory for testing. Our laboratory is UKAS-accredited.

Not all destinations require the fit to fly travel certificate – for some, such as Dubai and the Caribbean, the laboratory report alone is sufficient.


When should I get tested for COVID?

You need to check with your airline as some destinations require the sample to be taken 96 hours before departure, others 72 hours before and some require the report itself within 48 hours before arrival. It can get confusing so it is absolutely necessary to check with your airline before booking your test.

Our turnaround time is the next day so we can help in any travel scenario.  Where you are unsure, for example when your travel lands on a weekend, just give us a call and our team will help you time your test correctly.


Do you charge extra for the certificates?

No, our fee of £99 is the total cost for our standard service with results by 8 pm the next day. If you need our same-day service with a result by 10 pm, this will cost £175 and you will need to test before 10 am.

You don’t need to pay in advance and there are no charges for cancellation. We do however ask that you kindly try to give us 24-hours’ notice.


Is the COVID-19 PCR test conducted at the clinic?

Yes, we conduct your test at the clinic to ensure a fast turnaround time and an accurate result. The accuracy of the test is reduced when you take the swab yourself and sometimes you may have insufficient sample for testing.


Why can’t I do this test on the NHS?

Firstly, you should only use the NHS testing facility if you are symptomatic. Secondly, destinations require the actual laboratory report (with UKAS accreditation) which the NHS do not provide. You will receive a text or email confirmation of your result only.


Do you test children?

Yes, we can help with children of any age. Please call ahead if you need to book for children under 7 years old.


Is the PCR swab test painful?

The majority of patients report the swab being a little uncomfortable (as it can make you gag a bit and is irritating inside the nose) but do not report any pain. The swab takes 10 – 15 seconds and although not something you would do for fun, it isn’t a terrible experience!


What destinations require a negative PCR swab?

The list of destinations changes every day so you should check with your airline. The most common destinations so far have been Cyprus, Hungary, Austria, Dubai, India, Ethiopia, Morocco, Egypt, Bermuda, Barbados, St Lucia, Martinique, Iraq, Iran, Qatar and many others. Please note that you must make your own checks before flying as the clinic cannot take responsibility for checking requirements.


What are you doing to keep everyone safe?

Our clinic has worked throughout lockdown and therefore has been actively working on safety and improvements every day:

  • When you arrive, you will be greeted by our steward who will either direct you into the waiting area (restricted to two people at a time) or you will be asked to wait along the clinic fence outside until the time of your appointment.
  • You will be asked to sanitise your hands before entering the clinic and will be asked to wear a mask. If you do not have one, one will be provided.
  • Our clinical rooms are fully sanitised between every patients, including seats and all surfaces.
  • Our reception area is fully sanitised by our full-time cleaning staff at least every 30 minutes.
  • Our team are regularly tested for COVID-19 and our reception team sit behind a glass barrier.



Picture of Alya Shakir

Alya Shakir

Alya has been responsible for the growth of the clinics, overseeing their expansion and development and creating policies and procedures to ensure optimum patient care and experience. Alya is the registered manager with the Care Quality Commission.

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152 responses

  1. i need a pcr to travel on a ferry. is a fit to fly pcr test accepted for ferry and subsequent travel by car?

  2. Fit to fly means a test that’s required for entry to a destination? Not by the airline just to fly? For example I’m flying to Alicante shortly but Spain don’t require clear test now so assume I don’t need to get a test? Is this correct?

  3. I am going to join a ship on Wednesday in Singapore.
    I was wondering if it is possible to arrange an appointment
    To get a fit to fly letter which is needed for joining a ship in Singapore

  4. Hi. Do you require a passport number to issue a fit to fly certificate. I am using my EU national ID card to travel. Can the ID card number be used instead of the passport number on the certificate?

      1. I will be travelling to Spain less than 90 of having covid. Do I still need to have a test as it may still show a positive result

        1. The closer you get to the 90-day mark, the less likely you will still test positive. You will still need to test to fly.

    1. We don’t need a passport number to issue your fit to fly certificate, as long as the destination you are going to don’t require it on the certificate.

  5. Hi, we are due to travel to Malta in August. on the gov website it says we need a PCR test 72 hrs before we travel. We are travelling via easyjet. Do we also need a fit to fly PCR? The fit to fly comes with a cerificate. But will we need both or does the fit to fly cover all bases?
    Many Thanks

    1. Yes, the fit to fly certificate and PCR test can be arranged for you within 72 hours of travel. Please call us on 020 7323 1023 to arrange.

      1. Hi my 12 year old grandson tested positive 3weeks ago and is now clear of any symptoms he is not vaccinated bit needs to flyto Spain a pcr could test positive due to it being in his system what should had to?

        1. hi Jean, it is possible that he’ll test positive but unlikely. We recommend testing him again before booking your flights.

    2. Hi Bernard – the fit to fly covers all bases. You’ll have a PCR test and provided with two documents – the laboratory (PCR) result and an additional fit to fly certificate. Hope this helps.

  6. My daughter is flying to Majorca . I know she needs a negative covid test but does she need a fit to fly certificate as well ?

    1. Hi Sophie, she’ll need to show the laboratory report and ideally a fit to fly certificate too, just in case. You never know who you meet at the border!

  7. I have severe anxiety, and severe phobia of gagging and vomiting. The idea of someone doing the test for me is terrifying. I’ve done many to myself for school and other reasons, is there any way I can do my own?

    1. Hi Kathleen. We would need to ensure that you are using the right technique and our nurse will guide you appropriately, but yes, we can do that. If you’d like to book with us, please book online and put a note in your booking that “Alya has approved self-swabbing under guidance” so that the clinician and team are aware. I hope this helps.

      1. If I am positive at the moment and have a flight in two weeks will the fit to fly be negative or will it still show positive for longer than I am actually with the virus? Someone told me fit to fly can show positive for weeks after. What’s the difference between fit to fly and ordinary pcr?

        1. Hi Nicole, there is a risk that you will still test positive in two weeks’ time but hopefully that won’t be the case. The test for fit to fly and PCR is the same but a fit to fly includes an additional certificate.

  8. I recently had a very mild case of COVID , I have read the PCR is so sensitive it will detect even dead virus cells parts, I may be required to fly for work soon, what is the estimated , ball park, time for the virus to be clear from my system and to produce a negative result?

    1. Hi Kenneth. You’re right – PCR is very sensitive, and can test positive up to 90 days post-infection. It varies enormously however, and we have retested people after their government-mandated isolation period and they have tested negative. Unfortunately, we can only know by testing.

  9. Travelling to Ireland I’m fully vaccinated. The website say if I have both jabs I just need to show them proof of vaccinated. Do I still need to take a test to get into the plane

    1. You will need to show proof of vaccination via the NHS App, we believe. Best check with your airline to be sure.

  10. I just passed 15days of covid positive test .flying next two weeks ,do I still need to do test ,as result possible will be still positive?

    1. Hi Piotr. Yes, you will need to test again within the timing requirements of your destination. There is some risk you will test positive again due to vaccine shedding, yes.

    1. Our understanding is that you require a PCR or antigen test for entry to the UK. Please check with your airline.

  11. Hi I need a covid recovery certificate as my child tested positive under 90 days ago so could still show posotive with a pcr test. Could you do this?

  12. What cycle do you run your pcr at? I tested positive 19th July had 1 vaccine and I am due to travel to Spain 21st August. I have full recovered from covid and would not like to receive a false positive. Thanks

    1. We run our PCR at 45 cycles. In the unlikely event you receive an indeterminate result with us, either due to a past infection or early new infection, we will conduct a second test at no charge for clarification.

  13. We are currently in isolation following a positive PCR test for one of our children. We have a holiday booked and need to take a pre flight pcr 2 days after isolation is due to end. If we fail the pre flight PCR test do we have to start another 10 days isolation?

    1. This is a difficult area. The law on this is not clear, especially if clinically, it would seem that the positive result is a result of shedding virus. Please consult the government website. Our guidance is to provide a supplementary letter and explain the situation but unfortunately, this can have complications.

  14. I arrived from dubai to london yesterday 11 Aug, 2021
    I already paid and pre-arranged a DAY 2 test kit using your service (which I have received)
    I am filling out the form for DAY 2 and I am self-isolating
    I am flying back to Dubai on Aug 14 and filled in your form accordingly for Day 2 test, but your website will not let me
    it says: “You have selected a country for which it is not possible to shorten the isolation period for as per Government guidelines. If you have already arrived in the UK, you must self-isolate (along with members of your household) for 10 days. If you have not used your test kit, you can keep it for future use.”
    My question is: which test do I complete. I assume it would be Day 2 which i can then use to check in for my flight on Aug 14th ?

    1. Dear Imran, you have not used our service – we do not conduct day 2 or day 8 testing. Please check the correct details of your provider.

      1. Hi Imran and Alejandro,

        I am also in the same situation! Were you both able to fly using a Day 2 Test? After all, it is a PCR test. I will be flying to Croatia soon and they require a negative PCR

        Thank you!

        1. That depends on Croatia’s requirements and regulations. Please check with your airline or the government website.

  15. Hi, I travel to Barbados and need a fit to fly certificate however I’ve read that pcr tests can be positive if you have had Covid within the last 90 days. Is this correct?

    1. Yes but this is unusual. It is much more likely that you will test negative. There is a small risk of testing positive post infection due to virus shedding, especially if you had a high viral load.

  16. I have recently come out of quarantine after testing positive for covid. I aim to travel early November but will need a fit to fly test. Will my previous infection result in another positive result?

    1. There is a small risk that from now until early November you will test positive (unless you contract a new infection) but it is unlikely.

  17. Hi need a fit to fly to Singapore . If I am positive when is the soonest possible I can get another pcr to prove I’m negative

    1. Everybody sheds the virus at different rates but most people test negative within 7-10 days of a positive test. There is a small risk you will test positive but this is less likely than testing negative.

  18. Hello, is there any way I can do my own swab test as I feel sick when someone else do it for me ? Many thanks .

  19. Hello
    Im travelling abroad but had COVID positive test 75 days ago and therefore can not take a PCR as it has to be past 90 days – do you know what I need to do to show I can go? Thanks!

    1. There is a small risk that you will test positive up to 90 days, but this is unusual. We recommend having a PCR test if you want to travel. If you are particularly concerned about this, delay your travel.

    1. Every destination has its specific requirements. Check with your airline or the government website when you need to test.

  20. I’ve recently tested positive with a PCR test and self isolated for ten days. I need to show fit to fly status in a couple of weeks – if I do a PCR will that show up positive due to my recent (within 30 days) Covid 19 status?

    1. On average, people continue to test positive for 14 – 22 days. It is true that some people have tested positive up to 90 days but this is rare.

  21. Hi my daughter tested positive 15 th August would like to go to tenerife but believe she can still test positive shes only had one Dose we are in northwales so at moment we still have to do all tests

    1. It is unlikely that she will test positive after this period of time. There is a small risk but it is a low probability, unless she has been infected again more recently.

  22. What test can my 12 year old son take please, as travelling to France soon and has had a positive PCR within last 90 days?

    1. He should repeat the PCR test. The average time someone continues to test positive is 14 – 22 days. 90 days is a “maximum” found.

  23. Hi! I am traveling from italy to the UK and I need a fit to fly certificate. Can thi s be issued by my Italian GP or it needs to be issued by a test lab?

  24. Hi my son was meant to be going away 23/10 with his friend and parents for a week to Tenerife however he has tested positive this week 22/09 will he still be able to get a test or certificate to go as I believed you couldn’t be tested for 90 days after a positive result? Could he use this fit to fly certificate?

  25. I’m arriving, fully vaxxed, in London from the USA on Oct. 14th. I return to the USA on the 19th. Can I schedule my 2-day arrivals test on Sat. Oct. 16th (day 2 after arrival), and use the same results to board my flight back home on the 19th, (3 days after test)? I’d obviously prefer to just have to take the one test to satisfy both requirements.

  26. I am flying from Edinburgh to Singapore with my husband and we need a test certificate with QR code in it. Is this possible?

  27. Hello

    I am returning from the Netherlands on Saturday 30 October and am fully vaccinated. I am then travelling to Russia on Monday 1 November for which I’ll need another PCR / Fit to Fly test. In connection with my Netherlands trip, I am assuming having a full PCR Test booked will be sufficient for my Passenger Locator Form (rather than having to book both a full PCR Test and a Day 2 PCR test). Appreciate the rules may well have change (again!) by then, but if this is a situation you have come across then that would be really helpful !



    1. Hello James. Having enquired, it seems you may need the day 2 booked primarily for the passenger locator form but please do check the government website as changes are frequent.

  28. I’ve I’ve had covid a month Will the pcr I need done for travel show positive? How can I travel if it does ?

    1. Hi Fiona, most people test negative after 2-3 weeks, depending on the viral load / severity of infection. There is a risk you may test positive for up to 90 days but more likely that you will test negative.

  29. Hi I’m meant to be going on holiday abroad next week and I’ve only just come out of isolation recovery from covid will my pcr test come up negative ?

  30. Can a day 2 PCR test result (certificate?) be used (ie within a day or two) as a fit to fly PCR certificate? (Does the day 2 certificate provide all the information that appears on the fit to fly certificate). The reason I ask is, I will be booking a day 2 PCR test, as required, prior to departing for English. Then I will leave England on day 4 for a country that requires a covid PCR test <72h prior to departure. Is my day 2 PCR certificate (subject to test timing requirements of the destination country) usable as a fit to fly? Or do I need to take two separate tests at the same time – a day 2 PCR and a fit to fly PCR.

    1. A day 2 test provides a negative or positive result. This is sufficient for some destinations but not for all. For example, some destinations require your passport number on a fit to fly certificate in addition to the laboratory result. If you require an additional fit to fly certificate, you will need to choose a provider who can provide this along with your result.

  31. Hi
    I am travelling to India on 30 October. What tests do I need to have – just pcr or fit to fly. On which date should I have it. My flight is at 2.15 pm. Thanks

  32. I was booked to travel to Russia. Unfortunately, my PCR test was Positive. I understand PCR tests for 180 will also test positive. Does this mean I cannot go to Russia for 6 months, and how do I do. it?

    1. Hi Mike. Although possible, it is unusual for someone to test positive at 90 days post infection. Most people test negative after 2 – 3 weeks, especially if they were not very unwell (had a likely low viral load). There is always risk of a positive result but after 2 – 3 weeks, this is less likely.

  33. My husband tested positive in September and is still in the 90 day window so is unable to take the PCR test and we are due to fly on 3 December. Which test is he able to get so he is hopefully fit to fly.?Thanks

  34. My fit to fly result must be 5 days or less before I travel. I had mine on Sunday and fly next Friday to a country that is 5 hours behind the time in UK.

  35. hi , if the fit to fly test comes back positive , would you have to isolate for 10 days by law ?
    thank you

    1. Yes, in normal circumstances. If it is positive because you’ve recently have COVID-19, that would be a question of COVID recovery certification.

    1. No, you do not need to self-isolate before testing but if you are due to travel, we do recommend staying as safe as possible, especially with the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant.

  36. What happens if you have had covid and finish isolating a week before you are due to fly? According to the NHS website you shouldn’t be tested as you will still be showing positive but you will not be infectious?

    1. Testing outcomes will vary person to person. Some people will test negative and some will test positive, and unfortunately it is difficult to predict the outcome.

  37. Is a pcr test still likely to come back positive after 2wks when first tested positive.. if this is the case I won’t be able to go even thou Iv recovered

  38. How can you get fit to fly test if you have had Covid in last 14 days before you fly to Thailand? Surely it can still show positive?

    1. It can still test positive – the outcomes vary person to person. Unfortunately we cannot predict whether or not you will test positive. We can provide an additional letter explaining your medical history but we cannot guarantee this will be accepted by the authorities at the border.

  39. I have tested positive on a NHS PCR test. How soon after the isolation period end can I hope to receive a Fit to Fly certificate?

    1. This varies from person to person. Some people test negative within 2 weeks but some can test positive up to 90 days later.

      1. Hi I would like to know before I book of the fit the fly is ok I’m traveling from London to India next week and air India require rt-pcr test is this the same? Thanks so much

  40. Hi we are due to fly to dubai in 4 weeks for a wedding. 1 of the party has just recovered from covid and is worried this RT PCR test will show positive even though it will have been 4 weeks ago. What happens in this case. Does the test show upuve had it but are now clear or does it show it still in your body even though 4 weeks have passed thank you

    1. The test does not differentiate between a current infection or old infection shedding unfortunately. They will probably need a supplementary clinical letter explaining why they are still testing positive but we cannot guarantee this will be accepted. Please speak to your airline for further advice.

  41. Does Singapore accept the fit to travel certificates if the pcr is still positive after 15 days? I’m transiting through Singapore to Australia

    1. Unfortunately we do not know the answer to this but would assume that you would need a supplementary letter explaining why you are still testing positive. Please check with your airline.

  42. I am flying to Dubai. Require a RT PCR “Fit to fly” test. Does the 48 hour limit start from the time of testing or the time the result is issued to me?

  43. A family member needs an RT- PCR ? Is this the same ? If not , what is it and where can he get one ? It is for flying to Philippines

  44. I just want to ask if i can make the PCR test in the afternoon of friday but my flight is in the following day Saturday at 9:40?is there any problem with it if i dont make the PCR test time like the time of flight?pls give me an answer ASAP🙏🙏😢😢

    1. This depends on your destination. Most destinations require a test no later than either 48 or 72 hours prior to departure. Your test does not have to be at the same time as your flight. Please check with your airline for the details of appropriate timeframe.

  45. Can someone please help me.i need a test to enter spain.the spanish authorities are saying now that only a 24 hr windows is available for a fit to fly to enter spain.Now I find myself in a muddle.How can I book a flight.and be guaranteed a pcr fit to fly certificate the day before.Also not everybody is online.Nobody caters for older generation.Can we not pay cash for our tests.Not everybody has online banking
    What do we ever do.Can someone please help me I am struggling

    1. Hi David. We’re very sorry we missed your comment earlier. You can call us on 020 7323 1023 and we’d be happy to help.

  46. I’m due to fly to Barbados in a months time; I am currently positive, how long after being postive will it show up on one of your tests?

    1. Thanks for your enquiry. Most people stop testing positive after 14 – 21 days but there is a small risk that you will test positive up to 90 days later, in which case you will need a certificate of recovery.

  47. if my infection is within the last 10 days, a PCR is likely is still show positive. do you provide fit to fly certificates with a supervised RAT test, stating I am recovered and no longer symptomatic?

  48. Hi, We are Flying to South Korea on 1st April, leaving Newcastle at 15:10 and connecting to a 2nd flight in Paris at 23;30.
    Korea needs a PCR test 48hrs before departure. Is that 48 hours before our Newcastle flight or the Paris flight?
    Thank you.

    1. This can be confusing! Please check with your airline but we believe you should calculate it to be within 48 hours of arrival in Korea.

  49. We fly to Spain on the 11th of April and my daughter needs to provide a negative test within 72 hours of departure. When should she be tested so results return in time and are acceptable? I would really appreciate your support

  50. I am flying to Morocco on a Monday in May with flight time 16.45.
    When should I have my Fit to Fly PCR test?

    1. Please check with your airline but we believe it is a 48-hour requirement. Testing is therefore advisable on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Unfortunately we only test Monday to Friday at our clinics.

  51. Hi I leave the UK on the 20th May for Morocco what date should I have my pcr test as it has tobe less than 48 hours before flying our flight is 2:15

    1. Hi Patricia, you can test on 18th with our standard service in the evening or on 19th using our same-day premium service.

  52. I had a pc test at old hall st Middleton greater Manchester on the 23 third of March at 5 30 pm and I was positive for covid after self isolating for 11 days my lateral flow test was clear how do I I get a recovery pass

    1. Many countries still require fit to fly certificates and COVID testing. The UK has stopped this testing for its own reasons but also has very high COVID cases. It is not “flu” – that is just incorrect and not based on any scientific knowledge. We are providing a service, like all of our other services, and have been in operation since 1998. Thank you for your comment.

  53. I’m still waiting for my sons passport to arrive on fast track service. I have been told it will arrive 1-3 days before we travel. Do I need to enter my passport number when booking a fit to fly test as I may run out of time to get him a test if my passport comes the day or day before we fly?

    1. Hi Donna – this will depend on your destination. Some countries need the passport number on the test certificate and some do not. However, you can test and then we can add the passport number onto the result when it arrives the next day if he has another form of photo ID to show us.

  54. I had a posative test result through a lateral flow test in March witch was registered on the Gov website and I am not vaccinated but due to go away to turkey in the next 2 weeks. Very confused as to what I need to do??

  55. I am travelling to Dubai on the 27th of May when date I may to suppose to book for my test please

  56. I need to book a PCR for a child flying at 15:30 Saturday, does the PCR need to be bang on 72 hours before? So 15:30 on Wednesday?

  57. This indeed is helpful! Thanks for the curated informative content! We’ll check out your personal recos! Feel free to check also Dexcon Global for medical supplies and rapid covid test kits for sale australia.

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