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Let’s talk about vitamin D!

Hand holding vitamin D capsules under sunlight

As we emerge from another long winter, where we barely saw the sunshine, it’s time again to talk about vitamin D! Most patients we see at this time of year who have a health screening or blood test that includes vitamin D have low levels.

More and more patients are taking supplements to try to lift their levels and a good number have Vitamin D levels so low that they need prescription-only high concentration supplements.

Our vitamin D level contributes to many aspects of our health including:

  • Bone health and strength
  • Hair and skin health
  • Vitality and energy
  • Preventing aches and pains

New research

More recently, promising research was published in the British Medical Journal. It showed that the use of vitamin D supplements and omega-3 can help prevent autoimmune diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. The study also looked at psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, polymyalgia rheumatica, and many others.

And check it out – the study found that vitamin D reduced the risk of developing autoimmune disorders by 22%. When omega-3 was added into the mix, this combination reduced the risk by 30% and for those on the trial for at least 2 years, by a massive 40%!

This is an extraordinary and positive finding that really shows the importance of maintaining a healthy vitamin D level.

Who is at risk of low vitamin D?

Patients with more melanin are more likely to have low vitamin D but we are all at risk of living in a colder climate with little sun exposure.

How can I check my vitamin D level?

It’s a simple blood test! If you want to check if your vitamin D level is low, book a blood test with us today by calling us or using our online booking engine.

You can also book an extended full blood profile if you want a more comprehensive overview of your health.


Picture of Alya Shakir

Alya Shakir

Alya has been responsible for the growth of the clinics, overseeing their expansion and development and creating policies and procedures to ensure optimum patient care and experience. Alya is the registered manager with the Care Quality Commission.

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