Testicular Lumps






30 mins

Testicular lump examination results

Testicular cancer

Cancer of the testicles usually affects young men between 20 to 55 years of age. The most common symptom of this disease is a painless lump or swelling in the testicles.

The number of cases of testicular cancer has roughly doubled over the last two decades in England. It is recommended that you consult with a doctor if you notice any abnormalities, lumps, or swellings on or in your testicles.


Survive Testicular Cancer For 10 Or More Years
0 %
Men Are Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer Each Year In The UK
UK Males Will Be Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer In Their Lifetime
0 In 220
Of Men Over 50 Develop An Enlarged Prostate
0 %

Understanding Testicular Cancer: Symptoms & Risk Factors

Most testicular lumps are benign (non-cancerous), but it is safer to diagnose and catch any unusual conditions as early as possible. The methods for diagnosing testicular cancer are biopsy and blood tests.

Testicular cancer can develop at any age, with roughly half of all cases found in men between the ages of 20 and 34. It is one of the least common cancers and carries a very low risk of loss of life. It is usually caught easily and can be easily treated. A painless lump in the testicle is the most common symptom of testicular cancer. In some cases, the testicle may just become swollen or enlarged, with no lump. In most cases, testicular cancer does not cause pain.


Testicular torsion

If you experience sudden and severely painful swelling in one of your testicles, with scrotal swelling, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, you may be suffering from a condition called testicular torsion, where the blood supply to a testicle is cut off. Medical attention is urgently required in this case in order to restore blood flow to the affected testicle. It can happen at any age but is most common in young men aged 13-17 and rare in men over 30.

Causes & What To Do Next

There are several causes of symptoms, such as testicular pain and lumps, most benign but should be examined and treated.

It’s important not to ignore your symptoms. Our doctors are professional and experienced; you should not feel embarrassed about getting checked out.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

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You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.


  • Expect a comprehensive exam involving an assessment of the testicular area.
  • Prepare any queries about testicular symptoms or changes.
  • Consider having someone accompany you for support or to take notes during the appointment

The timeframe for receiving test results concerning testicular lumps can vary depending on factors such as physical examinations, imaging tests, blood analyses, and consultations.

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Testicular Lumps

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How do I know if I have a testicular lump?
It is a good idea to give yourself regular examinations to keep tabs on any abnormalities or changes to your testicles. It is best to perform the examination when you are warm and relaxed, such as after a bath or shower. Examine one testicle at a time, roll it gently between thumb and fingers. The more you do this, the better you will be able to notice anything out of the ordinary.
Not all lumps are an indication of cancer, and indeed most of them are benign. They occur in men of all ages, including teenagers. A fluid-filled lump is usually less cause for concern than a firm, solid one, but in all cases of a testicular lump or swelling, you need to see a doctor to be sure.
Clinical examination is the only way to know for sure what is causing testicular lumps. Possible causes include cysts or hydroceles (fluid gathering around the testicle), or inflammation (sometimes from torsion or infection). In rare cases, testicular lumps are signs of cancer.

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