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Cardiac Enzymes



12 hours


50 minutes

Cardiac Enzyme test tube

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £95

Turnaround: 12 hours

Appointment: 50 minutes

A Look Into Cardiac Enzymes

Cardiac enzymes are proteins that are released into your bloodstream when your heart is damaged or stressed.

Therefore, they provide valuable insights into your heart health. Particularly in detecting damage to the heart muscle as well as monitoring the effectiveness of heart treatments.

Troponin And CK-MB Explained

  • Troponin is a protein found in the heart muscle cells. It is released during a heart injury. It is highly specific and sensitive for diagnosing heart attacks. Elevated Troponin levels can indicate even minor cardiac damage.
  • CK-MB (Creatine Kinase-MB) is a subtype of the enzyme creatine kinase and is found primarily in the heart. Elevated CK-MB levels can point to heart muscle injury. It is particularly useful when evaluated alongside your Troponin levels.

And they are the most commonly tested cardiac proteins and enzymes.

Do You Need A Cardiac Enzyme Blood Test?

If you are currently experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeats, getting a Cardiac Enzyme test is usually recommended.

Also, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of cardiac issues, we highly recommend you get a Cardiac Enzyme test.

Woman doctor smiling
Woman doctor taking notes

Conditions That May Elevate Protein/Enzyme Levels

Elevated cardiac protein and enzyme levels can occur due to conditions like myocarditis (involves inflammation of the heart muscle), pulmonary embolism, and cardiac trauma.

Conditions like kidney failure (which reduces the clearance of enzymes), and intense physical activity can temporarily elevate cardiac enzymes too.

Cardiac Enzymes Vs. Other Heart Tests

While a cardiac enzymes test provides essential information, it is often used in conjunction with:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): Measures electrical activity in the heart to identify abnormal rhythms or damage
  • Echocardiogram: Uses ultrasound to visualise heart function and structure
  • Stress Test: Assesses how the heart performs under physical or pharmacological stress
  • Coronary Angiography: Identifies blockages in the heart’s blood vessels


Of UK cardiac patients monitor enzyme levels regularly
0 %
Of UK chest pain cases involve cardiac enzyme testing
0 %
Of UK adults with diabetes undergo cardiac enzyme tests
0 %
Of UK cardiac trauma cases show raised enzyme levels
0 %

How To Book A Blood Test?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly phlebotomists or trained clinicians.


preparing for appointment

Preparing for test

Always inform your healthcare professional about any medications, supplements, or herbal remedies you are currently taking. Same goes for information on any recent surgeries, infections, or traumas. It is also important to avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol a day before your test.

during the appointment

During the test

A cardiac enzyme test is a standard blood test. We will collect a blood sample, typically from a vein in your arm. The process usually only takes only a few minutes. Your enzyme levels may be tested more than once over several hours. Just be prepared to return for additional tests if necessary.

post appointment


You can resume normal activities immediately unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Results may take a few hours to a day. Your doctor will review the levels of cardiac enzymes and interpret their significance based on your symptoms and other tests.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic
for blood testing

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Transparent fees. The price you see is the price you pay.

No GP consultation

No GP appointment requirement for blood tests

since 1998

Experienced doctors & a professional team.


Your medical records are kept private at all times.


Blood Test Biomarkers


Cardiac Enzymes Blood Test

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Book Your Blood Test Today

We offer a wide range of private blood tests in London. Same-day appointments are available 5 days a week.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


What do the results of a cardiac enzyme blood test mean?
Higher-than-normal enzyme levels can indicate heart damage. Normal levels suggest there is no significant damage to the heart muscle. The test is generally reliable. Especially when combined with other diagnostic methods. Remember, results may vary depending on the timing of the test and your individual health conditions.
Can other conditions affect the results of a cardiac enzyme blood test?
Yes, other conditions like muscle injuries, kidney failure, or certain medications can cause elevated enzyme levels, potentially affecting the test results. It is also possible to have a normal cardiac enzyme test and still have heart problems. If the test is conducted too early or late after a heart event (when something disrupts the normal function of the heart or blood flow), enzyme levels may not be elevated, so other tests may be needed for a more accurate diagnosis.
How does a cardiac enzyme blood test differ from an EKG (electrocardiogram)?
An EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart, while a cardiac enzyme blood test measures proteins in the blood released when the heart muscle is injured. And EKG, and other tests like an echocardiogram, stress test, or coronary angiogram are often used alongside a cardiac enzyme test to further evaluate heart health.

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