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C-Reactive Protein (CRP)



12 hours


15 minutes

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £70

Turnaround: 12 hours

Appointment: 15 minutes

The Role Of A CRP Blood Test

The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) blood test measures the level of CRP, a protein produced by the liver, in your blood, which rises in the presence of inflammation.

If your CRP levels are high, it may point toward a number of health conditions that include but are not limited to, infections, autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

Who Should Get Tested?

Generally, a CRP test is recommended when infection is suspected. Bacterial infections, to be precise, since a CRP blood test aids in diagnosis and also in following the severity of the condition.

People with chronic illnesses that involve inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease, may also undergo frequent CRP tests to help monitor the level of inflammation and activity of the disease.

You can also require a CRP blood test in case of symptoms like unexplained fever, joint pain or swelling, and ongoing fatigue together with skin rash. Never hesitate to contact us when in doubt.

What Determines The Level Of CRP?

Various factors can affect the levels of this protein in your blood. Such factors include:

  • Infections brought about by viruses and bacteria.
  • Chronic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Surgery, trauma, or injury, which can temporarily increase levels of CRP.
  • Life choices, such as being overweight, smoking, or being sedentary, all contribute to high levels of CRP as a whole.
Woman doctor smiling
Woman doctor taking notes

Understanding High CRP Levels

CRP is measured in milligrams per litre, or mg/L. Normal results are usually less than 3 mg/L; results above this may indicate inflammation. Your healthcare provider will go over the results with you and let you know if any further action is necessary.

If your results are high, it may indicate a number of health concerns, including cardiovascular issues, because the test can also find inflammation of the arteries, which may be linked to heart disease. Other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, may also raise CRP levels.

The Importance Of CRP Blood Testing

The CRP test is an important tool in the diagnosis phase of health care. It supports diagnosis in the following ways:

  • Inflammation Identification: High levels of CRP may indicate the presence of inflammation in the body.
  • Monitoring Disease Activity: The CRP level is useful in patients with known inflammatory diseases to monitor their disease activity and response to treatment.
  • Assess The Risk Of Heart Disease: Elevated CRP levels are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular issues, such as heart attacks and strokes.
  • Inform Treatment Decisions: The results of this test will assist your healthcare provider in determining the most appropriate treatment options.


Of UK heart disease patients show elevated CRP levels.
0 %
Of UK smokers exhibit increased CRP inflammation.
0 %
Of overweight UK adults have elevated CRP markers.
0 %
Of UK diabetes patients show high CRP inflammation.
0 %

How To Book A Blood Test?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly phlebotomists or trained clinicians.


Type of sample taken: Blood
preparing for appointment

Preparing for test

Please make sure to talk about any recent surgeries and the medications you are currently taking with one of our specialists, as these can affect your CRP level.

during the appointment

During the test

A CRP blood test is a simple procedure. A blood sample will be taken from your arm and sent to the lab for analysis. The process is quick and generally painless.

post appointment


Test results usually return in a few days. If any irregularities are found, you might need additional testing.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic
for blood testing

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No GP consultation

No GP appointment requirement for blood tests

since 1998

Experienced doctors & a professional team.


Your medical records are kept private at all times.


Key Biomarker


C-Reactive Protein

see other blood tests

Book Your Blood Test Today

We offer a wide range of private blood tests in London. Same-day appointments are available 5 days a week.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


How often should I have a CRP test?
The frequency can differ. If you have any chronic inflammatory conditions, it may be advisable to monitor them regularly. Your healthcare provider will assess your circumstances and recommend a testing schedule that suits your specific needs.
Can medications affect CRP levels?
Certain medications can affect your CRP levels. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs are recognised for their ability to reduce CRP levels. Some medications prescribed for chronic conditions might also influence inflammation markers. It is important to talk about all the medications you are currently taking with your healthcare provider.
Can CRP levels be normal even with inflammation?
Yes, they can. Various factors, including when the test is conducted, the specific type of inflammation, and individual differences in immune response, can lead to this inconsistency.

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