🩺 Affordable Private Healthcare

Rheumatology Profile Testing



3 days


15 minutes

rheumatic hands

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £245

Turnaround: 3 days

Appointment: 15 minutes

Screening for rheumatic disease

A rheumatology profile blood test is a common test that screens for various rheumatoid and connective tissue disorders.

These include rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus (lupus erythematosus), polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), and dermatomyositis.

What You Need to Know About Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic diseases, or rheumatism, occur due to inflammation and swelling in the joints and muscles, causing pain as the main symptom. Some rheumatic conditions, like osteoarthritis, result from wear and tear on the joints and cartilage.

Other rheumatic conditions develop when the immune system becomes overly active and attacks the joint linings. This also leads to pain and swelling and can cause conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Factors Contributing To Rheumatic Disorders

While the exact causes of many rheumatic diseases are still not fully understood, they are believed to be the result of a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Some common factors that may contribute to the development of rheumatic diseases include the wear and tear or stress on joints, ageing, genetics and family history of rheumatic diseases, environmental triggers (exposure to pollutants or chemicals), autoimmune disorders, infection, and certain lifestyle choices like smoking (tobacco may exacerbate inflammation).

Woman doctor smiling
Woman doctor taking notes

Key Symptoms Associated With Rheumatic Conditions

Rheumatology conditions present with a wide range of symptoms, such as joint pain (often the primary symptom), joint swelling, joint stiffness or instability, muscle weakness, fatigue, and difficulty performing ordinary activities like sitting, bending down, and getting dressed.

Other symptoms include joints that may feel warm to the touch and appear red or inflamed, as well as rashes or nodules, and systemic symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or malaise.

Types Of Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic diseases encompass a diverse group of conditions characterised by inflammation and dysfunction in joints, muscles, and connective tissues, but the most common rheumatic diseases are:

  • Inflammatory Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Degenerative Arthritis: Osteoarthritis.
  • Connective Tissue Diseases: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), scleroderma, and Sjögren’s syndrome.
  • Crystal Arthropathies: Gout and pseudogout
  • Vasculitis: Inflammation of blood vessels, such as giant cell arteritis and polyarteritis nodosa.
  • Soft Tissue Rheumatism: Fibromyalgia, tendonitis, and bursitis.
  • Autoinflammatory Diseases: Such as familial Mediterranean fever and periodic fever syndromes.
  • Infectious Arthritis: Caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.


Adults have a recorded diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
Adults are estimated to have psoriatic arthritis
0 Mill
People live with an MSK condition in the UK
0 Mill
Completed Blood Test This Year

How To Book A Blood Test

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly phlebotomists or trained clinicians.


Type of sample taken: Blood
preparing for appointment

Preparing for test

It is important that you arrive for your rheumatic profile screening adequately hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids before your appointment can make the blood-drawing procedure more comfortable, as being well-hydrated helps ensure that your veins are plump and accessible for the blood draw.

during the appointment

During the test

Your rheumatic profile screening is a straightforward blood test where a needle is inserted into a vein in your arm to draw a small amount of blood. While undergoing this test, you may experience a very slight discomfort when the needle is inserted. However, this blood test will be over in a matter of minutes and most patients experienced minimal discomfort.

post appointment


If you take this test on the recommendation of one of our doctors during a GP consultation, they will call you to discuss the results and suggest the further management where necessary. Otherwise, we will email you the results and you can either take them to your own doctor for interpretation or you can book a consultation with us.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic
for blood testing

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No GP consultation

No GP appointment requirement for blood tests

since 1998

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Blood Test Biomarkers


Rheumatology Profile

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Book Your Blood Test Today

We offer a wide range of private blood tests in London. Same-day appointments are available 5 days a week.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


How will I be treated?
Our doctors will assess your condition and suggest next steps in terms of diagnosis and treatment. You may require blood tests so that the doctor can get a better picture of your condition before suggesting next steps. Some conditions can be managed by specialists our clinic, others will require a referral.
What causes rheumatic disease?
Often, rheumatic conditions are due to wear and tear, or old age. In some cases when disease develops earlier in life, genetic and viral factors may come into play.
Can I exercise if I had a rheumatic disease?
Some gentle exercises, such as walking, swimming, and muscle-strengthening, can be beneficial to arthritic conditions by helping to enhance blood flow and improve energy levels. The doctor can advise you about exercises that are appropriate to your condition.

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