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Benign Testicular Lumps

From £175




30 minutes

Doctor examining men for benign testicular lumps

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: From £175

Turnaround: Varies

Appointment: 30 minutes

Causes of testicular lumps

Most testicular lumps and swellings are benign and will often resolve on their own, with fewer than four in 100 cases being cancerous. Both boys and men can commonly experience testicular lumps and swellings, which can arise from various causes.

In most cases, these lumps are non-cancerous and may not need treatment. It is important to be familiar with what is normal for your body. If you notice any changes, such as lumps or swelling, it is wise to consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause.

Factors Leading To Testicular Swelling

Swelling of the testicle, also known as epididymitis, is a common condition in men aged 19 to 35 and is most commonly caused by an infection. This may start as something relatively mild, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), which, if left untreated, can spread. Swollen testicles can also be caused by gonorrhoea, syphilis, or, in children, by E. coli.

Several conditions may lead to testicular symptoms such as pain, swelling, or lumps. These include testicular torsion, infection, hydrocele, cyst, varicocele, injury, epididymal cysts/spermatoceles, inguinal hernia, and kidney or bladder stones.

Understanding Scrotal Masses

Several causes and conditions can lead to scrotal lumps, masses, and swelling, including:

  • Hydrocele: This is a build-up of fluid around the testicle which causes swelling; it often affects newborn babies and happens to adult males, usually as a result of injury or infection.
  • Varicocele: A varicocele is a soft lump with a veiny or ‘wormy’ texture, which occurs when veins within the scrotum become swollen and enlarged, leading to generalised swelling.
  • Epididymal Cyst: A small, smooth collection of fluid in the epididymis (a tube behind the testicles) which causes a lump that is painless or possibly with an aching or heavy feeling.
  • Epididymo-Orchitis: A term to describe inflammation of the epididymis and testicles, which can sometimes lead to reduced sperm count (not significantly enough to affect fertility).
  • Inguinal Hernias: In this condition, fatty tissue or a part of the bowel pokes through into the groin at the top of the inner thigh, causing enlargement of the scrotum.
Woman doctor smiling
Doctor with stethoscope

Diagnostic Procedures

To accurately diagnose a benign testicular lump, we carry out a thorough evaluation. This process begins with a physical examination, during which our specialists will examine the lump and assess its characteristics.

An ultrasound may then be used to visualise the lump, helping to determine its nature and location. Blood tests might also be conducted to rule out infections or other conditions. In some cases, regular follow-up and monitoring are necessary to ensure that there are no changes over time.

Treatment Options

Treatment for benign testicular lumps depends on the type and severity of the condition. Options may include observation, where, if the lump is not causing any problems, regular check-ups are recommended to monitor its status.

Medications may be prescribed for certain conditions, such as infections or inflammation. In cases where surgery is necessary, it can be performed to remove the lump or address conditions like varicoceles.

Each treatment plan is tailored to your specific needs and medical circumstances.

Woman doctor taking notes


Survive Testicular Cancer For 10 Or More Years
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Men Are Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer Each Year In The UK
UK Males Will Be Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer In Their Lifetime
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Identifying Risk Factors

Although benign testicular lumps are usually not caused by lifestyle or environmental factors, potential risk factors include:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Family history of testicular conditions can sometimes play a role.
  • Age: Certain types of benign lumps, such as epididymal cysts, are more common in specific age groups.
  • Previous Injuries: Past trauma or injury to the testicles may increase the likelihood of developing benign lumps.
  • Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially during puberty, can affect the development of certain lumps.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

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You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.

The Procedure

preparing for appointment


Be prepared to provide a detailed medical history, including any previous testicular issues or surgeries. Note any symptoms you have experienced, such as pain, swelling, or changes in the lump. Expect a thorough physical examination, which will include checking the testicles and groin area. Consider bringing someone for emotional support or to help take notes during the appointment.

during the appointment


The exam will involve a physical examination of the testicles to assess the lump. The doctor will check the size, consistency, and mobility of the lump. Depending on the findings, additional tests, such as an ultrasound or blood tests, may be recommended. The doctor will discuss their findings, potential diagnoses, and next steps with you. The exam will be conducted with the utmost respect for your privacy and comfort. Feel free to ask questions or express any concerns during the exam.

post appointment


The timeline for receiving your test results can vary due to factors such as physical exams, imaging tests, blood tests, and consultations. Be sure to follow any specific instructions from your doctor regarding care or medication while you wait for your results. Once the results are available, your healthcare provider will thoroughly discuss them with you and recommend the next steps.

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Benign Testicular Lumps

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Are there any conditions other than cancer which can cause testicular symptoms?
Several conditions may lead to testicular symptoms such as pain, swelling, or lumps, including testicular torsion, infection, hydrocele, cyst, varicocele, injury, epididymal cyst/spermatocele, inguinal hernia, and kidney or bladder stones.
Why is my testicle swollen?
Swelling of the testicle, also called, epididymitis, is a common condition in men from the ages of 19 to 35, and is most commonly caused by an infection. This may start as something fairly mild, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), which goes untreated and spreads. Swollen testicles can be caused by gonorrhea, syphilis, or in children, by E coli.
I found a lump in my testicle. Should I see a doctor?
It is always advised that you make an appointment to get examined by a doctor if you find anything out of the ordinary. In the majority of cases, your symptoms will be caused by something mild, and will be benign. But it is important to be sure, both for safety, in the event that the lump is not benign, and to ensure that any existing condition does not become worse or spread.

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