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HIV Testing City Of London



4 -12 hours



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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £65

Turnaround: 4 -12 hours

Professional: N/A

HIV Detection & HIV Antibody Testing

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), targets and weakens the immune system by attacking CD4 cells, crucial for fighting infections. Over time, this makes the body more prone to other infections and certain cancers.

Without treatment, HIV can progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Therefore, testing, early detection, and consistent treatment are vital for managing HIV and ensuring a better quality of life.

HIV Testing City Of London

We offer various options for HIV testing based on your individual needs. Some tests provide immediate results, while others take longer.

In all cases, our HIV tests involve a simple blood sample, using a small amount of blood. To prepare for your test, please ensure you arrive well-hydrated. The doctor will call you to discuss your test results as soon as they are ready and, if necessary, arrange a repeat visit or test.

HIV Tests On Offer

At our City of London clinic, we offer an Instant HIV Test, an HIV Antibody and P24 Antigen Test, and a Multiplex Early Detection Test (aimed at detecting HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C).

Our clinic, conveniently situated between Bank and Liverpool Street stations, provides HIV testing in a sensitive, professional, and discreet environment. Our experienced doctors and on-site counsellor ensure you receive the highest level of care because we believe in putting our clients and their needs first.

Woman doctor taking notes

Who Might Need An HIV Test?

Anyone who believes they may have been exposed to HIV should consider getting tested. This includes individuals who have engaged in unprotected sexual activity (especially with multiple partners or partners whose HIV status is unknown), shared needles or syringes for injecting drugs, received a blood transfusion before 1985, or been sexually assaulted.

Additionally, individuals who are planning to start a new sexual relationship or who are pregnant should also consider HIV testing. Testing is important for early detection and timely treatment if necessary, as well as for preventing the spread of HIV to others.

Overview Of The Benefits Of Testing

HIV testing offers crucial benefits. It allows for early detection, enabling prompt initiation of treatment that can extend life and reduce transmission risk. Testing provides peace of mind and empowers individuals to take preventive measures like safer sex practices.

For those testing positive, it ensures access to treatment and support services, including counseling. Knowing one’s status also helps inform partners and loved ones, promoting informed decisions and further testing if needed.

Woman doctor pointing
Serious doctor with arms crossed

Reducing HIV Transmission

Reducing HIV transmission involves several key strategies: practicing safe sex consistently with condom use, limiting sexual partners and choosing those who know their HIV status, regular testing for early detection and prompt treatment if positive, using PrEP for high-risk individuals, and PEP after potential exposure.

Avoiding needle sharing among drug users is crucial. Treatment with ART to achieve an undetectable viral load not only improves health but also prevents HIV transmission. Education, awareness campaigns, and reducing stigma are vital to promote testing, treatment, and safe behaviors. Implementing these measures effectively can significantly curb HIV transmission and enhance public health outcomes.

Improving Immune Health

Since HIV weakens the immune system, extra precautions need to be taken to help keep your immune system strong. To strengthen your immune system, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Regular moderate exercise, adequate sleep (7 – 9 hours per night), and stress management techniques like meditation are crucial. Stay hydrated, practice good hygiene, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as they can weaken immunity.

Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and consider discussing supplements like vitamin D with a healthcare provider to support immune health. These habits collectively promote a stronger immune system, better equipped to fend off infections and maintain overall well-being.

Doctor with stethoscope


rise in STI cases among 15-24-year-olds since 2021
0 %
increase in gonorrhoea since 2021
0 %
increase in chlamydia since 2021
increase in syphilis since 2021
0 %

How HIV Is Spread

HIV is primarily spread through certain body fluids that carry the virus. The most common modes of HIV transmission include:

  • Unprotected Sexual Contact: HIV can be transmitted through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has HIV.
  • Sharing Needles: HIV can spread through sharing needles contaminated with the blood of someone who has HIV.
  • Mother To Child: HIV can be passed from an HIV-positive mother to her child during childbirth, through breastfeeding, or during pregnancy if the mother is not receiving proper medical care and treatment.
  • Blood Transfusions: In the past, HIV was spread through blood transfusions and organ transplants before screening procedures were implemented.
  • Occupational Exposure: Healthcare workers or others who come into contact with HIV-infected blood or body fluids through accidental needle sticks or other means can be at risk.
  • HIV IS NOT SPREAD THROUGH: Hugging, kissing, shaking hands, sharing food or drinks, or through the air.

How To Book A Sexual Health Screen Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.

The Procedure

preparing for appointment


Please ensure that you arrive well-hydrated, as this will make the procedure easier. Drinking plenty of water beforehand helps ensure optimal comfort and facilitates a smoother experience during your visit.

during the appointment


The HIV test involves a straightforward process. A needle is typically inserted into a vein in the inner arm, to draw a small amount of blood, and sent to the laboratory for testing.

post appointment


When your results arrive from the laboratory, the doctor will contact you to discuss them. Any follow-up appointments needed will be scheduled during this phone call. After speaking with the doctor, you will receive your results by email. We use a top-tier laboratory known for its high-quality testing and rapid turnaround times.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic For
Sexual Health Screening?

in 1998

Experienced doctors & a professional team

not needed

Up-to-date with the latest treatments & testing


Experienced doctors & a professional team

Affordable private
health care

Transparent fee structure with no hidden charges



No hidden charges, phlebotomy fees or prescription charges.
Test prices do not include a consultation.

HIV antibody and P24 antigen

  • Most accurate 6 weeks from exposure
  • 4-12 hours turnover time

HIV-1 RNA, fast early detection

  • Accurate at 10 days from exposure
  • 4-6 hours turnover time

Multiplex (HIV, Hepatits B, Hepatis C) early detection

  • 5-7 days turnover time

see other Sexual Health services

Book Your GP Appointment Today

Fast, affordable, high-quality GP and medical testing services with same-day appointments.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


When should I get tested?
There is varying advice about when you should get tested for different infections including HIV. For a standard HIV test, the window period is 6 weeks for an accurate result. For HIV multiplex and RNA, these tests are accurate from 10 days post exposure.
How is HIV transmitted?
The most common way to catch HIV is through unprotected sex (having sex without a condom). It is also spread by sharing needles or other injecting equipment with someone who is infected. It is also possible for an HIV-positive mother to pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. The virus is passed on through body fluids, but not through sweat, urine, or saliva. The HIV virus is not spread through the air or through basic physical contact, unlike colds or flu.
Will the doctor recommend repeat testing?
The early HIV detection test we offer helps give immediate peace of mind but a doctor will normally recommend repeating with an HIV antibody test after the window period to be completely certain. This serves a number of purposes: it allows you and the doctor to understand your starting point; it is likely that some infections will already show up and starting treatment early is a positive step; repeating certain tests after the window period ensures that nothing is missed.

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