🩺 Affordable Private Healthcare

Cervical Smear



5 working days


30 minutes

Drawing of Uterus with Gynaecological Speculum, Pap Smear Test Tools and Menstrual Cup on Blue Background

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Care Quality Commission
Primary Care & Diagnostics Finalist Award

pound iconPrice: £195

Turnaround: 5 working days

Appointment: 30 minutes

Private cervical smear test with fast results

A regular cervical smear is the most effective method of cervical cancer prevention.

We are here to help ensure you stay well, and cervical smear testing is a crucial way to take control of your health. As a private clinic, we offer cervical smear testing and HPV screening to women of all ages.

Our smear test includes a consultation along with the testing, and you can expect results within 72 hours. Our doctors will communicate your results via phone or email and discuss any necessary next steps with you

Smear test services we offer

Routine smear tests are a crucial aspect of women’s healthcare, and opting for private testing offers several advantages: you can schedule your appointment at your convenience, receive test results within 48 to 72 hours, and benefit from a screening for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

At our clinics, smear tests are available with a doctor, and you have the option to request a female doctor if you prefer.  Additionally, we ensure immediate gynaecological referral arrangements if further consultation is necessary.

Cervical Smear Statistics

In 2008, over half a million women worldwide were diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Approximately 75% of these diagnosed women survived the disease, with higher survival rates observed among those diagnosed at a younger age, with women under 40 years old had survival rates exceeding 85%.

In the UK alone, 960 women succumbed to cervical cancer in that year. Globally, cervical cancer accounts for nearly 1 in 10 female cancer-related deaths

Woman doctor smiling
Doctor with stethoscope

Smear Test Expectations

We prioritise your privacy and confidentiality during every appointment.

Our experienced healthcare professionals ensure you receive expert guidance throughout your visit, addressing any questions you may have with professionalism.

We also aim to create a comfortable and stress-free environment, ensuring your experience is as pleasant as possible.


of cervical cancer cases are preventable
0 %
of diagnosed women survive the disease
0 %
of women in UK have a long-term health problem
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36% of women experience allergies
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When Should You Have a Cervical Smear Test?

The NHS recommends:

  • The starting age for cervical smears is around 25 years old.
  • Women aged 25 to 49 should have a smear test every 3 years.
  • Women aged 50 to 64 should have a smear test every 5 years.
  • Early detection can significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.

The Procedure

preparing for appointment


It is generally advisable to avoid scheduling your cervical smear test during your menstrual period, as menstrual blood can sometimes interfere with the sample collection, making it more challenging to obtain clear and accurate results from the test. Not to mention, having a smear test during your period may not be as comfortable as at other times in your menstrual cycle.

during the appointment


During a smear test, a doctor typically performs a quick procedure where a speculum is gently inserted into the vagina to enable clear visibility of the cervix. Using a soft swab, they collect a sample of cells from the cervix. While the procedure may cause some discomfort, it is generally not painful. Ensuring a comfortable environment and clear communication with your healthcare provider can help ease any discomfort experienced during the test.

post appointment


Once your smear test results have arrived, our doctor will contact you directly to discuss them. During this conversation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and agree on any necessary follow-up actions based on the results. After you have spoken with the doctor, you will receive a detailed summary of your results via email.

Why Choose Walk In Clinic For
Your Private GP

in 1998

Experienced doctors & a professional team

not needed

Up-to-date with the latest treatments & testing


Experienced doctors & a professional team

Affordable private
health care

Transparent fee structure with no hidden charges



No hidden charges, phlebotomy fees or prescription charges.
Test prices do not include a consultation.

Cervical smear

Cervical Smear & HPV with doctor consultation

HPV Testing

Turnaround: 48 – 72 hrs

other services

Book Your GP Appointment Today

Fast, affordable, high-quality GP and medical testing services with same-day appointments.

Specialist Medical Team

We work with experienced consultants & healthcare professionals who have received positive feedback from our patients, and with whom we have established long-term relationships.


Does it hurt to have a smear test?
The test causes some discomfort, and in some cases some mild, short-term pain may occur. It is a very common procedure and can be completed quickly. If you do feel any pain, please inform your practitioner, who may be able to use a smaller speculum. If you are especially nervous or stressed about having a smear test, do not hesitate to tell the practitioner, who will take extra care to explain the process and make sure you are comfortable.
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a disease affecting the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, where it opens into the vagina. Cancer occurs when abnormal cells develop on the cervix and begin to grow more rapidly than the body can clear them.
Who is most at risk of developing cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is most common for women aged between 25 and 49 and it is the third most common gynaecological cancer. Around 2,830 cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed in the UK in 2007, which is 55 women every week.

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