Pregnancy Testing




6-12 hrs


15 mins

Pregnant Woman holding hands on her belly after pregnancy testing

Pregnancy Blood Test

The most common sign of pregnancy is a late period. You may notice nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, or increased urination. A test is the only way to know for sure if you are pregnant or not.

We test for beta HCG by taking a blood test, giving us the most accurate indication of how pregnant you are or a definitive negative result. In pregnancy, the level of beta HCG doubles every few days so some women choose to be tested several times in early pregnancy.


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A pregnancy blood test is suitable if:

  • You think you might be pregnant
  • You’ve tested positive on a urine pregnancy kit
  • You’re undergoing IVF, and your consultant recommends an hCG test
  • You’re pregnant, and monitoring hCG levels is advisable

You should always have your pregnancy test done with a doctor rather than at home. A positive result in a home test is almost always accurate, but false negatives are possible.

If your home test shows a negative result, but you still have not started your period, it is recommended that you come to speak to a doctor to be sure.

Pregnancy test results

It is always recommended that you have your pregnancy test done with a doctor, rather than at home. A positive result in a home test is almost always accurate, but false negatives are possible.

If your home test shows a negative result, but you still have not started your period, it is recommended that you come to speak to a doctor to be sure.

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?

If your period is usually quite regular, the first and most reliable sign that you are pregnant is a missed period or a period that is much lighter and shorter than your usual bleed.

Nausea and sickness are the second early signs of pregnancy, but usually will not start until six weeks or more after your last period.

How To Book A Private Doctor Appointment?

book online or call us

Use our online booking engine or book your test by giving us a call.

Choose your test type

On the online booking engine select the “appointment type” you need.

meet with our experts

You will be seen by one of our friendly doctors or trained clinicians.


Most pregnancy tests can be taken from the first missed day of a period. If you are not sure where you are in your menstrual cycle or when your period is due, the test is best done at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex.

During the test

The pregnancy test is done using a blood sample, which will be taken at the clinic.

Your results will be emailed to you as soon as we receive them from the laboratory. The results are self-explanatory and their interpretation by a GP is not included in the test price.

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Pregnancy Testing

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